Contents of BBSFyymm.??? (yymm=year and month of the version of BBSF):
???=ARJ Archive for IBM compatible PCs. Contains accented and
semi-graphic characters. Compressed with ARJ 2.30
???=LZH Archive for the following environments: Amiga, ST,
Macintosh, Unix (CR+LF), ZX, Spectrum. Contains no character with
an ASCII value higher than 127. Compressed with Lharc 1.13, which
runs in all the above environments. Compatible with Lharc 2.1
BBSF.TXT Detailed description of French BBSs
BBSF.LST Compact list of French BBSs
BBSF.PAR Compact list of BBSs in Paris
BBSF.FON Phone numbers of French BBSs in ASCII comma-delimited
BBSF.STA Various statistics
BBSF.Q-A Questionnaire to be filled in by SysOp for
inclusion/updating/removal of a BBS from the list
BBSF.DOC This documentation file
BBSF.ENG Information for English speakers
PLIST_FR.TXT List of centres in the French Fidonet network
(Region 32)
PLIST_FR.amm List of centres to include in the node list of
your mailer (FrontDoor/D'Bridge/TrapDoor)
POINT.Q-A Questionnaire for the recording of centres
Please do not alter these files. Send updates and suggestions, using the
questionnaire BBSF.Q-A, to:
Mathieu Chappuis, ACME BBS, (33) 8426 8606
68, rue de Valdoie, F-90000 Belfort
BBSF is dedicated to Yannick Pinson
Note for callers from outside France.
The French telephone network differs from other national networks in that in most cases the area code is an integral part of the eight-digit telephone number, except in Paris, where there is a one-digit prefix, not used within Paris but necessary when dialling from the rest of the country, preceded by 16. In the BBSF list, telephone numbers are given in their full form, exactly as they should be dialled from outside France, after the country code (33).
Thus, to call the ACME BBS from England, dial
010 33 8426 8606 (where 010 is the international access code
and 33 the code for France).
But to call, for example, the Top 50 BBS in Paris, you would dial
010 33 1 4359 0562 from England
4359 0562 from Paris and suburbs
16 1 4359 0562 from France elsewhere than in Paris